Mission Statement:
Delivering patient focused care in the heart of our community
Current Situation
IMPORTANT message from the Partners
Please read before contacting the surgery
We are currently experiencing unprecedented levels of demand at the surgery, with appointments exceeding the British Medical Association’s recommended maximum every day.
We are doing everything we can to continue to offer a safe and responsive service for all of our patients, but we also need your help.
Both the NHS website: https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/, and Patient UK: https://patient.info/symptom-checker, can also be useful for wider health issues in both adults and children. It’s also worth remembering that if you have a musculoskeletal problem (such as a bad back or joint pain) you can ask to be referred directly to the “First Contact Physiotherapist” without speaking to a GP. Similarly, we have a “Social Prescriber” to help with issues that might benefit from local non-clinical services; and a pharmacist to help with medication queries. Again, these can often be arranged with the receptionist without speaking to a doctor, if preferred.
A number of the calls and appointments are about children who have a temperature. We understand that this can often be very worrying for parents. However, if possible, we would ask that before calling the surgery, you consult the “Healthier Together” website: https://www.hnyhealthiertogether.nhs.uk which offers advice on a range of medical conditions in children from 0-18, including children with a temperature. It can be really helpful, not just deciding whether you need to call a doctor, but also in understanding what things you can do at home to support your child. We use similar “traffic light” guidelines to make these decisions ourselves.
Our staff are every bit as susceptible to circulating infections as our patients, and as such we continue to have sickness within the team, which contributes further to the pressure we’re currently under. As such please be patient with everyone within the practice team as we try our best to continue to support you, despite the extraordinary times we’re experiencing.
Of course, despite all of the above, please do contact the surgery if you are concerned, or need our support in any way. As always, we’re here to support you all when you need it, but please take a moment to check that it is us you need before phoning.
Many thanks
The Partners
Dispensary update:
Please note from week commencing 13th May and for the foreseeable future the dispensary will be closed Monday to Friday for 1 hour between 11.30am to 12-30pm.
It will not be possible to collect medication between these times.
Thank you for your co-operation.
Dispensary Times
Monday to Friday |
8.30am to 11.30am |
11.30am to 12.30pm |
12.30pm 6.00pm |