Church Lane Surgery, like all other Doctors practices, have a Patient Participation Group. This is so that the professionals running the practice get feedback on how they are doing, and to ask for comments on any new initiatives which they are planning.
A Patient Participation Group helps:
- To develop a partnership with patients
- To discover what a range of patients think about services and to establish their priorities
- To provide a platform to test and modify ideas and plans.
Our Patient Participation Group is looking to recruit new members, you need to be registered as a patient at Church Lane Surgery.
We are looking for a representation across our practice population. Ideally, we are looking for around 8 people to augment our existing group – anyone is welcome to apply. You do not need to be medically qualified, just interested in promoting Church Lane Surgery and the excellent service provided to the local community.
The meetings (approximately 2 hours long) are held approximately 4 times a year and involve a discussion group with one of the Partners, Coralie Lightfoot- Practice Manager and possible guest speakers. You will be asked to raise questions and to discuss issues raised connected to the surgery and local services. This can be based on your own experience or from comments from other patients. The Group also carry out surveys to gauge what people visiting the Surgery think.
Please email us on to express an interest. You will either be selected to be a member of the group or added to a list as part of a wider communications network, which will feed your ideas back to the practice.
We look forward to hearing from you.
Please see below the minutes from previous meetings:
30/11/2023 PPG Meeting Minutes
22/02/2024 PPG Meeting Minutes
23/05/2024 PPG Meeting minutes